Sunday, February 27, 2011

Realizing What's Going On.....

Don't you ever have that feeling when you are so caught up and busy and you never get to stop and think about things? That's almost me right now. Lately I've had so many things going on that I never really got to stop and think about things and what's REALLY happening in my life.

I think that lately though, I have come to realize that I need to appreciate what I have and what God has given me.

I learned that sometimes I need to make things happen instead of just waiting for them to happen, or I at least need to push that thing in the right direction to at least give it a kick start.

School.Work.Boyfriend.Family.Friends.Social Life.

That's what my life consists of at this very moment.

Juggling everything is a tough task, but anyone can do it when they are up for it and can actually take things SERIOUSLY.

School: This is one of the most important things in life. College can get you going places. I'm not saying you have to get a degree to be successful in life because I have seen people without degrees succeeding very well.....but it does help.

Work: Yes many high school or college kids have to work or they want to work, but if it's taking a toll over you with trying to work it out with juggling that and school, then don't work. I work because I try to be an INDEPENDENT person. I don't want to ask my parents for many unless I really really need to. Earning your own money teaches you responsibility and how you handle your money. If you don't work, don't want to work, or have to quit because it's conflicting with school, maybe you can ask the parents if they can lend you some money every month for little things so that it doesn't get in the way of school.

Boyfriend: If you have a significant other, I always say that there is always room for them. I am the type of person where I can juggle school and work and still have a boyfriend because why should I put my love life on hold if that's what I want at the moment. Yes, everyone does say school comes first, but why can't I also concentrate on a possible loved one in my life that I can care for. Always know that you ALWAYS have room in your life for someone. If you're the type to just want to concentrate on school and your career first, go ahead, but if a certain someone bumps into your life, you don't have to chase them out, at least take your time and see where things lead to. You never know what will happen.
Up there, that is me and my boyfriend Josh. I Love him so much. I never knew that I was going to meet him and have made so many memories and come this far into our relationship. He is honestly one of the BEST things that has ever happened to me and regardless of the past, I don't regret letting him into my life at all. I Love You babe!!!

Family: Your family are your #1 supporters regardless of what happens. Unless you really do have a f*cked up family because I have met people that do. Family always got your back, I know mine does and I love them so much.

Friends: Your friends are your other supporters as well. Always there to listen and sometimes are more understanding then your family because they are most of the time your age and can understand what you're going through if you're going through the same things.

Social Life: Sometimes it's important to have a social life. And by social life, I mean going outside of your house and actually interacting with people. I know some people that are such homebodies that when they go out, they forget how to communicate with someone and it turns into something awkward. If you like to stay home, which sometimes I do depending on what's happening, at least go out once in awhile or once a week or every other weekend or something. You need fresh air, friends, and just a little fun. If you're not the type to wanna go out with friends and have fun or if it's hard for you to make friends, then maybe go take a class that you know you will enjoy doing and where you can meet people. It wouldn't hurt.

All I REALLY meant to say here is that, STOP and REALIZE what you have going on in your life. This is what's currently happening in my life and I'm learning to juggle it all.


Love Always,