Friday, September 16, 2011

Let's Talk Boys/Guys/Men.....Whatever You Would Like To Call Them

A little bit of relationship advice...

What can you say about males? Besides that they are complicated. And I am not trying to say that females are not complicated as well, but we obviously know that males have a different mindset. They think different from females, have different emotions, act different upon certain situations, and more.

But ladies let me tell you something....


Males have to WANT to change on their own. They have to notice what is going on at the moment and they have to want to change. You cannot make someone change to someone that they are not. You met this person knowing who they are, what they are about, and you got into it knowing all of these things. If you don't like it, then leave.

Why should you change a person if you don't want someone to try to change you?

The more you try to change a person or push a person, the further away they will be from you and start to push you away.

I will say from experience, they have to change on their own. They have to realize things on their own and want to change. And when they want to change, let them take their time and take things slow. They cannot change overnight. In the end, it will be worth the wait.

Need any more advice? Just message me. I always love to help :)

Love Always,

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